Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
I have been awarded the prestigious EU grant within the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 action, grant agreement no. 101108151.
DataCom has started on the 01/07/2023 at University of Turin (Turin, Italy) at the Department of Law, under the supervision of Prof. Ugo Pagallo.
It aims to build a new framework to facilitate an ethical secondary use of health data held by public bodies to improve accountability and enhance responsible re-use.
To build it, I will develop and test in intersectoral practical environments the innovative concept of “Ethical Commodification”: the possibility of exploiting personal data in an ethical way for the public good, in accordance with the data subject’s expectations and needs and taking into account the risks associated with the exploitation of anonymized data sets.
I will focus on 3 Member States: Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands.
If you want to know more, you can check the DataCom Project website.